
These are the installation steps for MDID 3.7. Instructions for each release are included with each package in the docs/install folder.

Installation on Ubuntu Linux

The following instructions are for Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS, but should work with minor changes on other distributions as well.

Unless noted otherwise, all commands should be run as root.

Server Preparation


apt-get update
apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev \
    nginx mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev python3-dev \
    libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev unixodbc-dev memcached \
    rabbitmq-server supervisor ffmpeg openjdk-11-jre-headless \
    python3-virtualenv libssl-dev poppler-utils

Enable nginx

rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
update-rc.d nginx enable
service nginx start

Create user account

adduser --disabled-password mdid
mkdir -p /opt/mdid
chown mdid:mdid /opt/mdid

Create virtual environment

sudo -iu mdid  # switch to mdid user
cd /opt/mdid  # or another directory of your choice
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install mdid
# or to install test version:
# pip install --index-url --extra-index-url mdid
mdid init

Install Solr

MDID currently requires Solr 8; you may have to adjust the exact version as available when running the following commands. Please note that you want to use at least version 8.11.1 of Solr to avoid the Log4j vulnerability.

mkdir -p /opt/solr_install /opt/solr
cd /opt/solr_install
tar xzf solr-8.11.1.tgz solr-8.11.1/bin/ --strip-components=2
./ solr-8.11.1.tgz -f -d /opt/solr -i /opt/solr_install -n
sed -i -E 's/#SOLR_HEAP="512m"/SOLR_HEAP="2048m"/' /etc/default/
ln -s /opt/mdid/var/solr /opt/solr/data/mdid
chown -R solr:solr /opt/solr/data/mdid/
service solr start

Configure MySQL

ln -s /opt/mdid/service-config/mysql /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mdid.cnf
service mysql restart

Create database

Create a new MySQL database or restore an existing database from a previous MDID3 installation. Adjust the database name, user name, and password as needed:

mysql -u root
create database mdid character set utf8;
create user mdid@localhost identified by 'rooibos';
grant all privileges on mdid.* to mdid@localhost;

Configure MDID

Edit /opt/mdid/config/ and change the database and other settings as needed.

Also, if possible, change the asterisk in ALLOWED_HOSTS to your server host name, if you know it, for example [''].

Run the following command to initialize static files and migrate the database to the latest version:

sudo -iu mdid  # switch to mdid user
source /opt/mdid/venv/bin/activate
mdid collectstatic
mdid migrate

Configure nginx

ln -s /opt/mdid/service-config/nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/mdid

Place your server SSL certificate files named server.key and server.crt in /opt/mdid/ssl, or generate some sample self-signed certificates for temporary use:

openssl genrsa -out /opt/mdid/ssl/server.key
openssl req -new -key /opt/mdid/ssl/server.key -out /opt/mdid/ssl/server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /opt/mdid/ssl/server.csr -signkey /opt/mdid/ssl/server.key -out /opt/mdid/ssl/server.crt

Configure crontab

sudo -iu mdid  # switch to mdid user
crontab /opt/mdid/service-config/crontab

Configure supervisor

ln -s /opt/mdid/service-config/supervisor /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mdid.conf
supervisorctl reload

Shibboleth support

To use Shibboleth for user authentication, follow the steps below to modify your working MDID installation to connect to your IdP.

Install additional packages

apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils libapache2-mod-shib libshibsp-dev \

Configure Shibboleth

Configure your Shibboleth SP in /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml, including setting the application ID to mdid.

Make sure to add a key or generate a new key using shib-keygen.

Uncomment the attributes you want to use in attribute-map.xml.

Configure apache

Modify /etc/apache2/ports.conf and change all instances of port 80 to port 8100.

Enable apache modules and configure site:

a2enmod rewrite
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http
a2enmod headers
ln -s -f /etc/apache2/mods-available/shib2.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/shib2.load
ln -s /opt/mdid/service-config/apache /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/999-mdid.conf
apachectl restart

Configure nginx

In your nginx site file /opt/mdid/service-config/nginx, change the port number in the proxy_pass statement from 8001 to 8100.

Configure MDID

Add the following settings to your MDID configuration file at /opt/mdid/config/, changing attribute names as required:

    "HTTP_MAIL": (True, "mail"),
    "HTTP_GIVENNAME": (False, "givenName"),
    "HTTP_SN": (False, "sn"),
    "HTTP_USERNAME": (True, "username"),
SHIB_USERNAME = "username"
SHIB_EMAIL = "mail"
SHIB_FIRST_NAME = "givenName"

By default MDID will not show a logout link, but if your Shibboleth setup allows logouts, you can configure the logout URL with


Restart all services

service shibd restart
apache2ctl graceful
nginx -s reload
supervisorctl restart mdid:*

Last updated

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